About us

The information about Hydrex s.r.o.

Hydrex is strong
and stable company

Hydrex, was founded in 1992. Initial business with construction machinery was later added to its own engineering production, and today, with more than 85 employees, we have a prominent place in the engineering region of the Detva – Hriňová. We are an important employer in our region and supplier machining parts in Slovakia and abroad – Our planetary gearboxes are mainly exported to the hot Asian markets, where they are used as sub-deliveries to the products produced by the manufacturers for longer time.

Another important element of Hydrex’s internal rules is employment policy, where at modern CNC machines have worked about 25 employees. In order to maintain the continuity of the quality and quantity of the production process, the younger ones are constantly taught alongside older and more experienced colleagues, who once take their place. Management prefers long-term employment for its people and provides them with a pleasant work environment and various employee benefits. That is why the fluctuation of our employees is minimal.

Hydrex wants to be a reliable support and partner for its customers. Of course there are professional approach and product deliveries in the time.

Billing information

Hydrex spol. s r. o.,  Partizánska ul. č. 1877, 962 05 HRIŇOVÁ

Company ID: 31633072, VAT: SK2020473785
Bank: UniCredit Bank, Slovakia, a. s.
Account: SK66 1111 0000 0066 1190 1008

Board of Company Directors

Professional and organizational management of the company is provided by top leaders Hydrex s. r. o. These senior managers have years of practical experiences in mechanical engineering and trade field and economics.

Ing. Marián Beňo
Managing Director

Ing. Ján Babic
CEO (Chief Executive Officer)

Ing. Marián Fekiač
CFO (Chief Financial Officer)